This document is a MIPI Specification. MIPI member companies’ rights and obligations apply to this MIPI
Specification as defined in the MIPI Membership Agreement and MIPI Bylaws.
Further technical changes to this document are expected as work continues in the UniPro Working
1 Introduction
The UniPro Specification is applicable to a wide range of Device types such as Application processors, co- 1
processors, modems, storage subsystems including non-volatile memory modules, displays, camera sensors, 2
3D graphics and multimedia accelerators, to name the most obvious. It is also applicable to different types of 3
data traffic such as control messages, bulk data transfer and packetized streaming. 4
Other MIPI Alliance Specifications are used for definition of physical layer and Application Layer protocols. 5
As such, this Specification can be thought of as a member of a family of Specifications. 6
To aid in understanding the concepts presented in this Specification, the UniPro description is loosely based 7
on the ISO OSI Reference Model (OSI/RM). See Section 4.2 for more information on the similarities and 8
differences to the OSI/RM