Addison-Wesley: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Table of Contents
1. Cover 2
2. Introduction 8
2.1 The Catalog of Design Patterns 53
3. A Case Study: Designing a Document Editor 56
4. Creational Patterns 112
4.1 Abstract Factory 118
4.2 Builder 130
4.3 Factory Method 142
4.4 Prototype 156
4.5 Singleton 169
4.6 Discussion of Creational Patterns 179
5. Structural Patterns 181
5.1 Adapter 183
5.2 Bridge 198
5.3 Composite 212
5.4 Decorator 228
5.5 Facade 240
5.6 Flyweight 251
5.7 Proxy 267
5.8 Discussion of Structural Patterns 281
6. Behavioral Patterns 284
6.1 Chain of Responsibility 286
6.2 Command 299
6.3 Interpreter 312
6.4 Iterator 329
6.5 Mediator 351
6.6 Memento 363
6.7 Observer 376
6.8 State 391
6.9 Strategy 403
6.10 Template Method 416
6.11 Visitor 422
6.12 Discussion of Behavioral Patterns 442
7. Conclusion 448
8. Appendices 459
8.1 Glossary 468
8.2 Guide to Notation 478
8.3 Foundation Classes 483
8.4 Bibliography 489
8.5 Related Books 512